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3 Ways to Spring Clean Your Digital Marketing Strategy

The advertising world is constantly advancing; therefore, you should continue evolving your digital marketing strategy as well. The digital marketing strategy that you must follow must be well-thought-out and designed a way to achieve the goals and key metrics that reflect how well your business is performing. As your goals to achieve online success grow and change, you must change your strategies from time to time to maintain congruency with these goals. Listed below are a few tips from one of the top marketing companies in Sonoma County to streamline your digital marketing strategy.

Revisit and Update Your Goals – Every so often, be sure to review your goals that you set at the beginning of the year to see if anything has changed since. You could use analytics tools to review the performance of your website and each of your social media channels. This will help you determine which of them drove traffic and had conversions, and which are not performing as well as they should be. This will help you pinpoint pain areas that need improvement. Tools such as Buffer, Moz, and Google Analytics will help you in this regard. Once you have identified areas that are lagging behind, set up new goals such as changing the frequency of posts, content style, and tone of voice based on your objectives. After several months, re-evaluate the status of these goals and see if there is noticeable improvement.

Clean Sweep Your Accounts – One of the biggest concerns in the digital world is privacy and data usage. By simply doing a cleanup of each of your accounts, you can minimize the amount of data that is online without your knowledge. This lets you have more control over your privacy. This may include auditing who has access to your social media profiles, analytics, and website. Keep your eyes open for any applications that you may have authorized. You may either remove such applications entirely or change the settings such that less information is available. Be mindful of the apps that are authorized to post on your behalf.

Update Your Social Profiles – Your social media profile is an extension of your brand. Therefore, it is imperative to ensure that your profile reflects your company’s brand accurately. In order to stay in tune with your spring-cleaning theme, also be sure to review the biographies on your social media profiles and the‘about’ section of every social media channel your company has. Ensure they all provide a message that accurately reflects what your business does and stands for. If they do, great! If not, it’s a great opportunity the streamline the description of your business across each of the social media platforms that you use.

If you want to give your digital media strategies a refresh, but do not know where to start, fret not. Contact WSI Smart Marketing today. We are one of the best marketing companies in Sonoma County and our digital marketing experts will give your website the upgrade and refresh it needs. To speak with a member of our team, please call us at (707) 843-3714.


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