Hey there and welcome back to SEO on the Go! My name is Ryan Kelly and I’m going to be answering today “What kinds of content are out there?” When SEO consultants and nerdy digital marketing people are talking about content being added to your website, there’s a lot of different types.
There’s short content, there’s medium content, and there’s long content. Here are some explanations: a short piece of content might be a press release added to your website, such as “WSI Smart Marketing now proudly serving this area.” Maybe it’s 250 to 400 words. Maybe it’s a blog where you’re talking about tips and tricks or a great reason to hire you. It could be something about your culture or something about a product or service that’s around 500 to 700 words. Maybe it’s a longer piece of content. It could be a long piece of pillar content that’s usually 2,000 words. This kind of content can be used and leveraged in different ways, right?
This can include a short press release, a blog, or an expanded services page. Maybe it’s another page or piece of content to further explain a problem that you solve or a service that you offer or it’s something important to your users. So when we talk about adding content to your website, those are the kinds of things that matter to search engine optimization and organic rankings. So, that’s what kinds of content matter for SEO.
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