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Link-Building Tips To Gain Organic Traffic

Link building involves creating hyperlinks that lead a user from other websites to your website. There are several benefits of link building. When done correctly, link building helps improve search ranking, increase organic traffic, and build credibility.

Link-building is a significant tool used in any SEO campaign’s digital marketing strategy. Our team of SEO experts have compiled a list of their top tips to help your business gain organic traffic through link-building.

Reach Out For Links

Reach out to individuals or businesses with blogs or sites that relate in some way to your website content or the products you offer. A search for content within your niche will reveal potential partners.

Send them mails asking them if they’re interested in mentioning a tool/product/service you offer on their sites. If website owners find your content useful, they will be more than happy to link to your site.

Suggest ways to collaborate on social media. Ask them if you can interview them or if they’re interested in making a podcast together. Once you have interviewed a website owner, you can post the video to your website and social media accounts.

Guest Blogging

Guest blogging involves writing content pieces for other sites. The link to a guest blogger’s site is usually included within the body of their article or their bio.

Guest blogging can help develop mutually beneficial relationships, establish your authority and expertise, and build brand awareness to drive traffic to your website. Steer clear of guest posting sites that accept low quality content. In your writing, avoid stuffing your content with links.

Broken Link Building

Broken links are links that no longer work. If you do not have time to write content, try building broken links to get more site traffic. Find pages or sites that link to you. Look for broken/dead links. If any page or site has broken links, inform the website owner. Seek their permission to replace the broken link with your link.

Leverage Social Media

Leveraging your social media presence can increase your organic traffic and lead to link building. Social media provides several opportunities for website and blog owners to improve their link profile. Being active on different social media platforms, posting updates regularly, and adding links to your profiles can grow your organic traffic. Create and share worthy content. As users view and share your content, your reach will increase.

Use Infographics

Infographics are highly shareable, which makes them perfect for link building. Keep infographics simple. Limit the size of your infographics to 1,500-2,000 pixels or they may take longer to load.

For the sake of consistency, avoid using more than three colors. Create impactful headlines.

Once you have created infographics, submit them to infographic sites. If a website uses your infographics without citing you or giving proper credit, contact the site owner and ask them to add your link to the infographics on the site.

WSI Smart Marketing is a leading digital marketing agency in Santa Rosa. Our team helps businesses develop and implement powerful digital marketing strategies to help grow their online presence, which in turn grows their business. To talk with one of our experts, call (707) 843-3714.


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