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Positive Online Reputation in 3 Steps

Reputation is everything. One of the first things most buyers check before buying from a business is its online reputation. A positive online reputation helps build trust and credibility. Reputable businesses have no trouble generating repeat business and word of mouth marketing.

Slowly, but surely, businesses around the world are realizing the importance of building and maintaining a positive online reputation. No wonder more businesses than ever are investing in reputation management in Santa Rosa.

Follow these tips to build a positive online reputation.

Build a Social Media Presence

With four billion plus users, social media is a juggernaut for word of mouth. Businesses use social media to engage their target audiences and improve both pre- and post-purchase business exposure. Identify the social media websites popular among your target audience and create business accounts on these websites.

Track brand mentions. To show users you care, thank people for leaving positive feedback on your pages or comments on your posts. Reach out to disgruntled and angry customers and prospects in a timely manner as oftentimes you may be able to resolve their issue and turn their negative review into a positive one.

Here are some ways to handle negative feedback:

  • Reach out to the person as soon as possible, ideally within 24-48 hours
  • Do not lose your cool when interacting with dissatisfied customers
  • Do not say something just to placate a disgruntled customer
  • Use a professional and courteous tone in your communications

Generate Positive Online Reviews

Given the fact that most buyers read online reviews before buying a product, customer reviews can truly make or break your business. Reviews can influence buyers’ buying decisions. Buyers go through reviews to form an opinion about a business and may not buy if the business has too many negative reviews.

To get positive reviews, contact a customer, requesting them to leave a review immediately after they’ve had a positive experience with your brand. Incentivize reviews and simplify the process to help streamline review generation.

Send personalized follow-up thank you mails to buyers for their purchase or for leaving reviews. Share positive reviews on social media to increase your brand’s exposure.

Make Your Website Simple to Navigate

A user-friendly website is an asset and adds credibility to your brand. Keep your navigation as simple as possible. Get rid of annoying and intrusive pop-ups that can negatively impact your website’s user experience. Eliminate unnecessary design elements that impact website speed. Make sure your website is mobile-friendly.

Has your reputation taken a hit? Let WSI Smart Marketing help you manage it. We have years of experience helping businesses build credibility with their target audiences. To make an appointment, call (707) 843-3714.


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