Embrace Digital. Stay Human.

Episode 24

If you are realizing that your business cannot survive on referrals alone, watch this episode to find out why!

Hey, and welcome back to SEO on the Go! My name is Ryan Kelly and I’m your host and today’s question of the day is “Why do I need internet marketing? My business has run off referrals forever and it’s doing fine.  I don’t need referrals from the internet because I’m killing it with referrals offline.” That’s great, but only if your expectation is that once you’ve grown as much as you can by referrals, that’s the amount of growth that you’re limited to. If you’re one of those people that’s saying to yourself, “I’ve never used the internet, my business operates on word of mouth and referrals,” I would also guess that you’ve experienced a less than 10% overall growth year after year, for many years in a row, and you’re asking yourself where the next spurt of predictable leads is going to come from.

So, although even in my business, word of mouth and referrals are the number one way that I get new business. It is not the be all, end all of how we grow. We have to do new prospecting. We have to do online marketing. We have to do all these things in order to try to create a predictable lead generation from other places, right? So, if you’re not using online marketing, if you’re not doing billboards and radio, there’s a lot of things that you could be doing beyond just word of mouth referrals in order to hit that next growth spurt that you’re probably looking for.

So, anyway, internet marketing. There you go. My name is Ryan Kelly, I’m your host of SEO on the Go. Please subscribe to the channel, like it, ask me a question if you have one, and until next time, drive safe!