Embrace Digital. Stay Human.

Episode 26

In this episode of SEO on the Go, I give you a sneak peek into the current trends of SEO and digital marketing.

Hey there, and welcome back to SEO on the Go! My name is Ryan Kelly and I’m your host. So, today I’m going to be answering the question “Are more businesses using SEO?” That would come along with the same kinds of questions like “SEO seems to be getting more competitive,” or “More businesses use it,” or “Man, I used to come up everywhere, and now I’m not.” Well, I think the answer is yes, but there’s a couple of different variables to consider.

Number one is that digital marketing has been becoming more and more popular for the past 10 years. SEO has become more and more popular over the past five years but it is only increasingly becoming more important. Variables have changed with the pandemic and Covid-19. More businesses are now competing online more than they ever have for fear that their brick and mortar buildings may be shut down temporarily or closed. So, yes, the honest answer is more businesses are doing SEO and yes it is getting harder. It takes more content, more regularity with content, better-built websites, faster websites, good high-quality non ripped off content, it all matters.

So, there you go. My name is Ryan Kelly. Subscribe to my channel, like my video, ask me a question if you desire, and until next time, I’m Ryan Kelly, your host of SEO on the Go.