Embrace Digital. Stay Human.

Episode 27

Starting your online marketing strategy is not as complex as you think. Check out this episode to learn more.

Hey everybody and welcome back to SEO on the Go! My name is Ryan Kelly, I am super excited for this opportunity to introduce you to Cynthia Mordecai, and Cynthia is WSI Smart Marketing’s Marketing Division Director. So she gets a really hard question. So the big question that she’s going to answer is this: Cynthia, I’m not doing anything, where do I start? How do I start? Where do I begin? I don’t know where to start with online marketing.

Yes, that can totally seem overwhelming but I think if you can answer this question, hopefully, it’ll be a good starting point for you: What’s the most important initiative for these marketing efforts? Are you trying to increase phone calls and leads so you can grow your bottom line? Are you trying to increase your social media following? Are you trying to increase your Google reviews? Answer one of those questions or maybe it’s something else and hopefully that will guide you to where to start with marketing.

I think that’s really great. Sometimes when you look at where to even start with marketing, it’s a big ask and sometimes identifying the one first thing that you’re going to start working on, even that is a big thing. So, what do you do when you have a big kind of nebulous and where to start type situation? Yeah, so my good friend Ryan Kelly told me this a while back. How do you eat an elephant? One bite at a time! One bite at a time, so I love your answer. Pick something, start somewhere, and just do it,  just freaking do it, just do it!

All right, so my name is Ryan Kelly, and this is Cynthia Mordecai. Thanks for watching our channel, like our video, subscribe, ask questions if you have them, and until next time, I’ll be answering your questions, always on the go.