Embrace Digital. Stay Human.

Website Security and Maintenance

Protect Your Investment

Part of WSI’s comprehensive tactical bag of tricks includes ongoing website maintenance and support. Failing to keep up with your website security and maintenance is all but asking to be hacked. Keeping your website current and relevant impacts your rankings, how much traffic is driven to your site, and ultimately your conversions. Out team of specialists find and fix potential threats before they become a problem. The purpose of continued website security and maintenance is to keep your site secure from cyber attacks, maximize your presence online, engage your customers with fresh content, and increase your levels of profitability.

Choose a Website Security Package that Works for You


Level I

Basic Security and
Performance Plan

Level II

Pro Security and Performance Plan with Content Updates

Level III

Enhanced Security and Performance Plan with Content Updates





24/7 Uptime Monitoring

24/7 Security Monitoring/WAF

SSL Verification

Site Level Security Plugin Integration/Verification

Content Management

6 hours/year

9 hours/year

Forms Management

Website Foundation
and Plug-in Updates (Monthly)

Site Speed Audit and Repair (Biannual)

Daily Backups

Website Backup Stored
Off Site

Implementation of 2FA

File Upload Security Setup
and Management

Permission-Based Setup
and Management

Free Website Restores
Per Year:




Discount for Website Rebuild Due to Hacking

10% Off

15% Off

25% Off

Setup Cost

$100 Setup

$100 Setup

*Custom Setup


Level I

(Our basic security plan.)



24/7 Uptime Monitoring

24/7 Security Monitoring/WAF

SSL Verification

Site Level Security Plugin Integration/Verification

Content Management

Forms Management

Website Foundation
and Plug-in Updates (Monthly)

Site Speed Audit and Repair (Biannual)

Daily Backups

Website Backup Stored
Off Site

Implementation of 2FA

File Upload Security Setup
and Management

Permission-Based Setup
and Management

Free Website Restores
Per Year:


Discount for Website Rebuild Due to Hacking

10% Off

Setup Charges

$100 Setup


Level II

(Our security plan with content updates.)



24/7 Uptime Monitoring

24/7 Security Monitoring/WAF

SSL Verification

Site Level Security Plugin Integration/Verification

Content Management

9 hours/year

Forms Management

Website Foundation
and Plug-in Updates (Monthly)

Site Speed Audit and Repair (Biannual)

Daily Backups

Website Backup Stored
Off Site

Implementation of 2FA

File Upload Security Setup
and Management

Permission-Based Setup
and Management

Free Website Restores
Per Year:


Discount for Website Rebuild Due to Hacking

15% Off

Setup Charges

$100 Setup


Level III

(Our enhanced security plan with content updates.)



24/7 Uptime Monitoring

24/7 Security Monitoring/WAF

SSL Verification

Site Level Security Plugin Integration/Verification

Content Management

9 hours/year

Forms Management

Website Foundation
and Plug-in Updates (Monthly)

Site Speed Audit and Repair (Biannual)

Daily Backups

Website Backup Stored
Off Site

Implementation of 2FA

File Upload Security Setup
and Management

Permission-Based Setup
and Management

Free Website Restores
Per Year:


Discount for Website Rebuild Due to Hacking

25% Off

Setup Charges

*Custom Setup

Maintain a Healthy and Secure Website

You’re most likely very busy running a business. Just as you maintain and secure your house and car on a routine basis, it’s just as important to do with your website. Let us handle the technical and time-consuming website security and maintenance issues for you. We offer a proactive approach to ensure your website is maintained, safe, and secure.

CONTACT US or CALL 707-843-3714 today to schedule a complimentary consultation.


Time for WSI to Perform Website Content Updates (Changes, Additions, etc.), Used Time Documented by Minute


Annual Prepaid Price: $900 (one month free)

We do more than just Website Security & Maintenance

Best lead generation service

Get More Leads and Sales

Acquire quality leads that deliver results
and lead to customer conversions.

Online reputation management

Elevate Your Online Reputation

Build a positive, engaging reputation that
turns your customers into loyal fans.

Website that need improvement

Improve an Ineffective Website

Drive traffic to your website that yields
leads and sales for your business.

Social media platforms

Explore Social Media Solutions

Create opportunities to keep your business
in the forefront when clients need your services.

Contact us to learn how WSI can help your business.