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Target New Customers with This Simple and Affordable Short-Linking Strategy

There are many reasons why hyperlinks should be an integral part of your website’s content strategy. They help build credibility, improve SEO, improve user experience, and increase page views. When you include a hyperlink in a call to action, the chances of a conversion improve drastically as you are making it easier for a user to convert.

You can use hyperlinks to collect data. If used correctly, short links can offer valuable insights into consumer behavior and help guide your website strategy. Equipped with valuable data, you will be able to make informed business decisions.

Look for a tool designed to help users create an effective short linking marketing strategy. Several tools allow you to track your audience with simple links seamlessly. Target your customers with specific links to increase your marketing reach and redirect your visitors to relevant pages. This will help them travel down your funnel and increase their likelihood of conversions.

Want to retarget users based on their previous behavior? Include pixels in your social media campaigns or share your links in your network. Try targeting users based on their device and location to refine your reach to your target audience.

When you target potential customers with links, your tools will track everything, including visitors’ location, the number of clicks, and who was referred by whom. This will help you record the entire network of actions that led the user to end up on your website and can help you notice behavior patterns.

Whether you are trying to drive people to a new landing page to promote new services or want to increase brand awareness, your tools will help you accomplish a wide range of tasks with simple short links.

WSI Smart Marketing is a leading online marketing company in Sonoma County. Whatever your industry, our team will create a customized strategy tailored to your unique needs. To talk to one of our digital marketing pros, call (707) 843-3714.


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