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4 Effective Ways to Promote Your Blogs Using Social Media

With more than 4.5 billion users, social media is a force to be reckoned with. To unlock the power of your blog, promote it on social media. An effective blog promotion strategy can drive more traffic, helping improve your online presence. It makes your blog more discoverable. As more people come to your blog, your Google rankings improve.

Here are our top tips to promote a blog on different social media platforms.

Make Your Blog More Visible

Create engaging content that solves your target audience’s pain points. To optimize your blog content for search. Incorporate relevant, top-performing keywords into it naturally. Create a search engine-friendly URL. Use images and videos—link to relevant internal pages and external sites. Choose the exemplary hosting service and website platform.

Make sure your blog is mobile friendly, or mobile internet users may defect to the competition. Use a mobile responsive blog theme. Compress the images on your blog. Choose a responsive design, so your Content automatically adjusts to the size of the device it is being viewed on.

Repurpose old Content

It’s very time-consuming to create quality content. Repurposing old Content is a great way to speed up content creation without compromising quality. In addition, repurposed Content can help you reach new audiences and get traction for your blog.

There are several ways to repurpose Content:

  1. Find your best-performing posts, and update them to ensure they contain the accurate and latest information.
  2. Use infographics to convey complex data in a simple visual format.
  3. Add transcripts to your video content.
  4. Create podcasts and videos using existing Content.

Collaborate With Other Bloggers

Collaborate with other bloggers in your niche. Please read and share their Content and drop comments to let them know you enjoy their Content. Include your blog’s URL on your bio, so bloggers can check out your blog and possibly return the favor when you drop positive comments on their Content.

To attract fellow bloggers’ attention, share their Content on different social media sites—exchange guest posts. Use Facebook and LinkedIn groups to strike conversations with fellow bloggers.

Engage With Your Audience

Ask your target audience relevant questions to get inside their mind. Then, ask your followers what they like and, more importantly, what they don’t like about your Content. Reply to questions and comments on your posts promptly.

Ask your audience if they’d like you to create Content on a specific topic. Direct message people you mention in your posts, asking them to check out your Content and share it with their followers. You can also insert a call to action asking readers to share your posts on social media.

WSI Smart Marketing is a renowned digital marketing agency in San Francisco. Our team consists of SEO professionals, and social media experts. Our experience creating powerful digital marketing strategies that tick all the right boxes for our clients sets us apart. To talk with a member of our team, call (707)843-3714.


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