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6 Measurable Benefits of Email Marketing

Email marketing has long been a staple of the digital marketing landscape. For the longest time, it has boasted a high return on investment for an inconsequential amount of work. With the exponential increase in smart phone usage for internet browsing and interconnectivity, email marketing remains a strategy that companies can use to remain engaged with their customers. Businesses seeking an effective and viable form of business-to-customer communication can rely on email marketing for ease of access and deliverability. Read on to learn 6 notable benefits of email marketing.

Reach an Already Engaged Audience

It is highly likely that your email marketing list is largely comprised of current or previous customers. These contacts are already well acquainted with your business which makes them much more likely to take desired actions when reached out to by email communications.

Return on Investment is Easily Measurable

Reputable email marketing companies near you ensure to offer their clients in-depth reporting to help show the strengths of an email marketing campaign. This helps them prove that what they’re doing is working and has the added benefit of providing you with insight into what your customers in interested in.

These metrics include items like:

  • Open, click, and conversion rates
  • User behavior within the emails themselves
  • Measurable clickthrough rates
  • User behavior on your site after receiving an email communication

An added benefit of email marketing is that since the medium has been around for so long, there are marked industry benchmarks that can help determine how effective a campaign is compared to the historical averages.

Targeted and Personalized Content

Email marketing lets you customize the email based on whom is receiving it. This means that you can tailor the user experience to the recipient’s interests. This also enables the utilization of split testing multiple templates, designs, or other features to find which ones are the most effective with your target audience.

Increased Web Traffic

Reengage customers with your business. Reaching out to them with emails encourages them to become familiar with your business once more. Be it through an email retention or a new product launch campaign, customer retention is a key benefit of email marketing. The more engaged you can keep your customers post-transaction the more likely it is that you will remain top of mind when they need your services again. Additionally, by sending out strategic, thoughtfully crafted emails you are encouraging previous customers to navigate back to your website which helps improve your overall web traffic.

Build Your Brand

We can’t talk about email marketing without highlighting the importance of increasing brand trust. Email marketing provides you the opportunity to provide informative information about your business and industry to people who want to hear about you! Email marketing provides you the opportunity to not only find out what your customers are interested in, but then also showcase your expertise within those very areas of interest.

Improvements to SEO

By driving more of your previous customers back to your site, they help improve the website metrics of your site. Things like bounce rate, session duration, and pages per session are all likely to increase through the utilization of an effective, strategic email marketing campaign. Improvements in these key metrics can help the overall SEO performance of your website as it becomes more user-friendly and relevant to the interests of those who follow it.

Of course, there are a great many more benefits that come from email marketing as a service and the ones listed above are just to name a few. Email marketing has stood the test of time when it comes to thriving in the digital landscape and, in fact, has seen blossoming results in recent years.

The best email marketing services in Santa Rosa offer collaborate environments in which you are really able to put your stamp on the email communications.

If you are looking for nearby email marketing services, look no further than WSI Smart Marketing. Our executive team has the technological know-how and the expertise to help you find the digital marketing results that you are looking for. To learn more about our services, please call us at (707) 843-3714.


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