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Forget Everything You Read About Link Juice

Should you focus too much on link juice? Probably not! In a tweet, Google’s John Mueller said that SEO experts must forget everything they know about link juice as the information on link juice is outdated and misleading. He advises SEO experts to build a user-friendly website instead.

Here are some tips to make your website more user-friendly from WSI Smart Marketing, a search engine optimization company in Santa Rosa.

Talk to Your Users

Reach out to your users to understand their expectations, concerns, and needs. Get rid of or fix unpopular features. The idea is to place the user at the core of your design since Google places them at the core of their ranking signals.

A few years ago, ESPN.com asked its regular users to suggest design elements they should add to the redesign of their homepage. They listened to their users and added several elements suggested by them. They saw their annual revenue jump by 35 percent that year due to increased ease of use.

Make Navigation Intuitive

Website navigation can make or break your website visitors’ experience. The best navigation bars are simple and brief. The navigation bar should be placed in the same position across all pages on your site.

Use color contrast and different color schemes to attract and direct the user’s eye to hold you’re their attention. Limit the number of categories in your navigation bar or it will become bulky. Conduct some A/B testing with your navigation bar. Try slightly different tab arrangements and wordings.

Be Careful When Choosing Colors

When choosing the colors for your website, maintain a good balance between beauty and clarity. Make sure the contrast between the text and background is right so your users can read text easily without straining their eyes. Use color combinations that draw the eye.

Work On Your Site Layout

The number of unique mobile internet users is increasing with each passing year. Having a good site layout is extremely important. Use a responsive layout. Make sure your website looks good on desktop and mobile. A good site layout makes information easily accessible.

Speed Up Your Website

The modern consumer is impatient. If your website takes several seconds to load, you may lose users to your competitors. Around 47 percent of consumers expect a page to load in two seconds or less. 40 percent of consumers will leave a web page if it takes more than three seconds to load.

Here are some helpful tips to increase your page speed:

  • Enable compression
  • Optimize images
  • Minimize redirects
  • Use a CDN


WSI Smart Marketing is a leading search engine optimization company in Santa Rosa. Our team will craft a customized plan to build or solidify your online presence. We know our way around Google’s SERP rankings. To meet with one of our digital marketing experts, call (707) 843-3714.


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