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Google Maps Local Listing Now Showing Web Search Results

Google is one of the leading search engines. By continually improving and optimizing itself, it has become more extensive than ever. Recently, a new update was observed by users around the world.

This update is essential because it can impact how your business is found online. Curious about what it is and how it can affect your company? Read on to find out more.

What is this new update?

Recently, Google users found something in Google Maps. A section of the map is showing search results alongside the apparent map. This search result is similar to Google Search and shows results relevant to the place being searched on the Map. If you scroll down past all the business information, you will find the web results.

Why is this new update important? 

This new update can be an excellent way to generate additional leads. Suppose a potential customer is looking through and they stumble upon your page in this web results section; it can turn the potential customer into an actual customer.

However, to capitalize on this update, the web results for your page needs to be accurate and catchy. If they are not, you may not take full advantage of this new opportunity.

How else can Google Maps help your business?

Google has broadened the horizon for doing business online. Among all its tools and apps, Google Maps is another tool that can help you grow your business. You have just read about how the Google Map local listing and the new ‘Web Results’ section can help you.

However, Google Maps can help you further. To further expand your business, you need to rank higher in Google Maps and attain a higher placement in the listings for local business results that come with relevant search results. Let’s see what it’s all about:

  • The first is the physical position of your shop. With an increase in the number of people using their mobile phones to search, Google Maps has become a vital link to get your business in front of potential customers. With Google Suggest, people can search for locations that are near them.
  • The other thing that determines a higher ranking is ranked results. When people are not on their phones, or if they have their locations turned off, these are the results that Google shows the users. To have a favorable ranking in the ranked results, you need to shift your focus to Google My Business. It will help you optimize your business the most and help you get higher rankings in Google Maps.

If you are looking to grow your business and digital footprint, get in touch with our team at WSI Smart Marketing, an SEO company in Santa Rosa. We are proud to be the best digital marketing company in Santa Rosa and help you get the best digital solution for your company. Reach out to our team today at (707) 843-3714.



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