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2021 SEO Trends You Need to Know

We have finally stepped into 2021 and it is time for us to take a look at what this year has in store for us when it comes to SEO trends. We will be looking at the top few SEO trends that are likely to dominate the field and how you can leverage them to help your business grow.

Customer and Behavioral Analytics 

Firstly, let us tell you how SEO is evolving. Rather than being just about driving traffic, SEO has come a long way to be more than that. You need to work twice as hard as before to gather the traffic the same volume of traffic as more and more business have put effort into digital marketing.

Therefore, a good part of SEO this year will be about capitalizing on behavioral analytics. After all, it’s much easier to double your conversion rate than it is to double your traffic. The main focus will shift entirely on how your customer is behaving on your site and less so about what keywords you are ranking for.

Understanding the behavior of your customer will be the main driving force behind turning visitors into customers.

Voice Assistance and Searches

Google has proved that voice search is the next big development when it comes to online searches. Nearly fifty percent of users prefer voice search and, according to Google, four out of ten adults in the US alone use the voice search at least once a day.

With that in mind, SEO will see voice search as a growing trend. Optimization of conversational keywords and FAQs will be the leading players for this trend.

Recognizing and Understanding Search Intent

Google is getting better at understanding a user’s search intent. In the coming years, we’re going to see understanding and predicting search intent serve as a serious boon for those who can take advantage of it. Search intent is the results brought up to give the user exactly what they search.

Here are some of the main types of search intents:

  • Informational search intent
  • Commercial search intent
  • Navigational search intent
  • Transactional search intent

Once you have these figured out, you are all set to have a great year from the SEO point of view. Customizing and optimizing your page to align it the best with the search intent will help your page flourish further.

Growing your business digitally is to develop it in its entirety. If you are looking for a marketing agency in Santa Rosa, contact WSI Smart Marketing for the best digital solutions. Our digital marketing campaigns are personalized to match your company’s goals. Call us at (707) 843-3714 and schedule an appointment today.


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