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4 Strategies for Voice Search Optimization Success

Voice search is the future of Search Engine Optimization. According to a Google report, more than 27 percent of the online global population uses voice search on mobile.

There are several benefits of voice technology. Voice search uses a language style that is more natural than traditional searches. Voice technology saves time and is simpler than traditional text search. No wonder the last few years have witnessed a surge in the volume of voice search.

If you have not optimized your site yet for voice search, work with a digital marketing company to devise a voice search optimization strategy. A voice search optimized site can be a game changer for your business. You can outrank competition and capture more leads to help grow your business by including VSO in your strategy.

Here are some ways to optimize for voice search according to a digital marketing firm in Sonoma County.

Understand Your Consumer and How They Use Devices to Search 

Use real-time data through Google Analytics to gain a deeper understanding of your buyer, what type of voice-enabled devices they use, and how they use voice search. When you truly understand your target audience, you will be able to figure out ways to improve customer experience.

Create Valuable Content

When creating content, think about the questions your target audience may have. Identify customer pain points and use content to address them. Create detailed answers to common questions and be sure to answer simple questions clearly and concisely.

Use thought-provoking, interesting, and unique headlines that pique a reader’s interest. Immediately after a question headline, provide a concise answer to the question to increase readability and your chance of gaining a featured snippet.

Use Conversational Keywords 

Conversational keyword searches are queries that sound like a real question. Examples include phrases like “show me the best plumber in Sonoma County”. On the other hand, with a traditional search keyword, in this example one would expect a phrase more along the line of “best plumber Sonoma County”.

These keywords will give you a competitive edge and will provide context to your content. Long-tail keywords have better conversion rates as they tend to more directly answer a user’s question.

Here are some tips for using conversational keyword phrases

➢ Think about how your target audience thinks and incorporate natural phrases in your content.

➢ Focus on anchor texts linking back to your site.

➢ Create a detailed FAQ page to thoroughly answer your customer’s questions.

➢ Use negative questions. Think about the biggest problems your target audience faces and provide solutions to these problems.

➢ Use a natural and conversational tone.

➢ Avoid using the same keywords too many times in one piece.

Optimize for Mobile 

We are swiftly moving to a mobile-first world. The number of mobile internet users is increasing with each passing year. If your website is not optimized for mobile, you may lose customers to the competition. Follow these tips to optimize your website for mobile devices.

➢ Use a responsive design.

➢ Simplify forms and navigation menu.

➢ Make sure buttons are mobile-friendly.

➢ Get rid of annoying pop-ups.

➢ Make your website load lightning fast.

WSI Smart Marketing is a reputable digital marketing firm in Sonoma County. Our team has created solid digital marketing strategies for a myriad of clients across many industries. To get in touch with us, call (707) 843-3714.


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