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SEO and PPC: A Winning Combination

For years, SEO and PPC have been viewed as two separate disciplines that are independent of one another. Though there are several differences between the two practices, they have a common aim – to generate more leads and increase sales. Not only do SEO and PPC have the same goal, they can support each other to help businesses in San Francisco grow.

Here’s how!

Maximizing SERP Coverage

When a business runs a successful PPC campaign, they reach the top of the search results. With a well-planned and flawlessly executed SEO strategy, a brand can consume a large portion of the SERPs, showcasing adverts and organic listings.

If a user skips the ad section and goes directly to the organic rankings, they will find the brand there as well. When SEO and PPC are combined, brands get twice the exposure they would if only an SEO or PPC strategy was employed.

The more a brand is visible, the higher the chance that a user will click through to its site. As visibility increases, so does people’s confidence in the brand.

Enhanced Brand Awareness

When a user clicks a PPC ad, they are directed to the advertiser’s landing page, where they learn about them and their offerings. From there, they might either explore the site further or get distracted and leave.

Even when a visitor leaves a website without taking a desired action, all is not lost. The individual now knows about the business and what it offers. When they search similar products or services in the future, they may remember their interaction with the website and click on the organic listings.

PPC ads can help increase brand awareness even if prospects don’t immediately convert. As prospects become aware of a brand, they may frequently interact with its website and consume its organically listed content. More interactions means increased website traffic.

Keyword Symbiosis

PPC and SEO are reliant on keyword optimization. If you have already optimized your site, you may have keyword data that you can use to improve the effectiveness of your SEO campaigns.

However, if you are new to SEO, tracking campaign results can be challenging, given the fact that SEO takes time to start working. PPC, on the other hand, generates immediate results. You can use profitable PPC keywords and key learnings to optimize pages for enhanced visibility.

Instead of waiting for SEO data to come their way, PPC agencies in San Francisco utilize data from PPC campaigns to better understand the search intent and the types of search terms users are using.

Once you start seeing SEO results and SEO data is available, you can crosspollinate those data points to PPC to leverage and improve their campaigns.

WSI Smart Marketing is committed to helping businesses leverage SEO and PPC with laser-focused strategies. We use time-tested methods to identify and close strategy gaps. To consult a PPC or SEO expert, call (707) 843-3714.


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