Embrace Digital. Stay Human.

Episode 38

Leverage traffic & user interaction by implementing these common website conversion winners into your website.

Hey and welcome back to SEO on the Go.  My name is Ryan Kelly and I’m your host. I’m pumped! We’ve got a repeat guest, Cynthia MordecaiWSI Smart Marketing‘s Marketing Division Director. You may note a few videos ago, I actually talk about conversion killers for websites. Cynthia, what are some of the biggest conversion winners for websites?

Some big winners are the phone number. A lot of us are trained that when we land on a website the phone number is typically up on the upper right and then down on the footer so we want to make sure that those are there and that they’re not missing. Another one is your navigation bar. We want to make sure that with user flow, people are able to navigate throughout your website very easily. Another one is load speed. We want to make sure that when people land on your website, it loads fast and then, of course, looking at your desktop, we need to make sure that our website is also optimized for mobile because we know a lot of people are on the phones these days. A lot of traffic is actually coming from mobile. Those are a few winners.

Yeah, I’ve got a big winner too – don’t let your call-to-actions be camouflaged. Train your users where your engagements live, so have your phone number, your buy now button, your sign-up for my newsletter button, make them all the same color and make that one color continuous with those kinds of conversions and contrasting other colors in your website. That color should only live on your conversions. That’s my tip.

Listen if you like this content, please subscribe to the channel, like the video and if you have a question, put it in the comments below. Until next time I’m Ryan, this is Cynthia, thanks for watching.