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Tips to Manage and Improve Online Brand Reputation

No matter your industry, your online reputation can make or break your business. A good reputation is priceless and impacts much more than just your brand’s perception. It is vital to any organization and directly impacts sales, revenue, and profit.

A well-planned and executed online reputation management strategy increases trust. It not only highlights a business’s unique selling proposition, but also effectively counters any false claims by competitors.

Here are some ways to manage and improve your online brand reputation with the help of a review management company in Santa Rosa.

Generate Customer Testimonials

The modern consumer places more trust in testimonials than advertisements. Almost 90 percent of consumers say positive reviews have influenced their purchase decisions. 58% of Fortune 500 executives believe online reputation management should be a core part of every business’s branding and marketing strategy.

Here are some surefire ways to get more customer reviews.

➢ Give your customers a reason to share their experiences. Incentivize reviews through means of a gift voucher or exclusive offer.

➢ Streamline the process of writing a review, the easier it is the more likely customers are to leave one.

➢ Create a process for asking for reviews

➢ Personalize. Every time you ask a customer to write a review, share a personalized video, thanking them for their support

➢ Send review request emails at the right time (usually 1-2 days after a customer has purchased a product)

If you have too much on your plate already, but know that you should make your brand’s reputation a priority this year, get in touch with a company in Santa Rosa to help you manage your reviews.

Effectively Engage Your Target Audience on Social Media

The power of social media is undisputed. With around four billion users (that’s nearly 58% of the world’s population), social media is a powerful marketing tool.

Follow these tips to increase your social media engagement and help increase your brand awareness through exposure.

➢ Conduct Q & A sessions

➢ Create impactful content that answers questions your customers and prospects may have

➢ Create polls and surveys

➢ Share your customer’s content and directly reply to them

➢ Use visuals and incorporate videos into your content

➢ Be responsive. Act swiftly to address concerns and answer queries

Improve Customer Experience

The modern customer is hungry for an experience-based connection. If you fail to deliver a stellar customer experience, your buyers may switch to the competition. Here are some ways to deliver a great customer experience

➢ Engage customers post-sale. Deliver world-class after-sales service

➢ Stay in constant contact with your customers through email newsletters to help stay top of mind

➢ Send customer satisfaction surveys to your customers, asking them to provide feedback and suggestions. Listen to customer feedback and react

➢ Keep your brand messaging clear and consistent across marketing channels

Is your brand struggling to gain traction online? WSI Smart Marketing can help. Whatever your industry, we can develop an effective strategy to increase brand awareness. To schedule a consultation, call (707) 843-3714.


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