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5 Steps to Redesigning a Website

It is imperative for businesses to have a website. Your website is the online face and one of the first touchpoints a customer has with your brand. It impacts your online brand reputation, revenue, and bottom line.

You cannot deploy your website and forget about it. An outdated website can do more harm than good and has the potential to hurt your credibility and rankings. An outdated website will fall out of favor with your target audience and can have various security vulnerabilities.

Revisit your website design and update it at regular intervals. Make sure it reflects current industry trends and focuses on providing your users with the best possible experience. If you want to give your website a digital facelift but do not know how to go about it, you have come to the right place.

Follow these steps to redesign your website.

Evaluate Your Current Website

Evaluate your current website pages to determine whether the content on them should be kept, updated, or discarded. Determine what is working and what’s not for your website.

Make a list of your website’s strengths and weaknesses and benchmark your current metrics and analytics data. One thing to always consider is how your website’s SEO is performing.

Define Your Goals  

Why do you want to revamp your website? Do you want to attract more visitors or want to track leads effectively? Find meaningful answers to these questions to help guide your decision making process.

Set milestones and tasks as vague goals won’t get you anywhere. Set SMART goals, that is goals that are specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, and timely. Once you have set clearly defined goals, you can craft a plan of action.

Create a Strategy 

Outline a plan for achieving your goals. If you want to develop a more professional image, analyze competitors’ websites to gain an in-depth understanding of the look and feel you desire. Think of ways to streamline your website navigation as improving user flow can drastically improve your website’s performance.

Identify your content needs. Revamp your existing content, if necessary, to make sure it addresses the pain points of your target audience.

Assess Your Needs 

If you’re not sure what that ‘spark’ is that your website is missing. You should consider getting in touch with a marketing company in Santa Rosa that has an eye for SEO. They will be able to help you outline the deliverables needed to carry out a website redesign successfully based on your goals. Your team will write a branding brief, create impactful content, and collect photos & videos that will bring life to your site, and add a personal touch.

Importantly, by having a conversion-based mindset and focusing on SEO, you can rest assured that your website will play a major role in the growth of your business.


Your team of website designers will help make the design, launch, and testing stages of your site build go off without a hitch. They will review sitemaps, mockups, and wireframes all while being in constant communication. The agency will make any necessary adjustments based off of your feedback to ensure the end-product aligns with your vision.

WSI Smart Marketing is a leading SEO marketing company in Santa Rosa. Whether you want to design a new website from scratch or are planning to revamp an existing one, we have got you covered. For an audit of your existing site, call us at (707) 843-3714.



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