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What Is Local SEO and How to Optimize Your Website for It?

Local SEO refers to the process of optimizing a website for local search results. The basic difference between local SEO and traditional SEO is that while traditional SEO focuses on improving a brand’s visibility on a national or global scale, local SEO allows businesses to be found in local search results. A local SEO company near me Santa Rosa can help develop an effective local SEO strategy to reach your target audience effectively.

Here are some ways to improve your local SEO and rank high in local search results.

Google My Business (GMB) Optimization

Set up and optimize your Google My Business profile to make sure your business appears in local search results, and on Google Maps. When creating your Google business profile, provide accurate and up-to-date information. Write an effective business description and select the right business category. To build trust and credibility, upload photos of your business.

Write Effective Local Content

Create content around local events, and issues. Incorporate geo-specific keywords into your content. Create a separate landing page for every city you serve. Add an FAQ page to your site (should include questions about relevant and recent topics). Create local best of guides and link them to your products and services.

Get Online Reviews

Reviews help build customer trust and credibility. Most internet users consult online reviews before making a purchase decision from a local business. Make the process of writing and posting reviews as simple as possible to encourage your customers to leave reviews on platforms such as Google and Yelp. Actively ask for reviews on social media sites. If you have a physical store, use in-store placards to gently remind your customers to write reviews. Offer incentives on future purchases to customers for writing reviews.

Optimize for Mobile Search

Studies show that around 60 percent of online searches are performed on mobile devices. If your website does not open properly on mobile devices, your customers can defect to the competition. Follow these tips to make your website mobile friendly.

  • Use a mobile responsive theme or template
  • Avoid flash
  • Get rid of intrusive pop ups
  • Compress large image files
  • Make sure your website is lightning fast
  • Use a legible font
  • Optimize input fields
  • Make sure your buttons are responsive and placed correctly

Perform Local Link Building

Local link building entails getting other local business websites to link to your site. It can help you build credibility and brand authority, improve SERP rankings, and gain a competitive edge over other businesses in your industry.

Here are some effective link building tips.

  • Use keywords in anchor text
  • Create share-worthy content
  • Consider offering incentives to people for sharing your link
  • Leverage guest blogging
  • Build long-lasting relationships with influencers in your niche to get quality backlinks

WSI Smart Marketing is a renowned full service, local digital marketing agency in Santa Rosa. No matter the industry you operate in, our team of seasoned professionals is equipped with the knowledge and tools to elevate your brand’s digital footprint. Our digital marketing services are designed to not only improve your online visibility but also to drive engagement, increase conversions, and foster long-term growth. To schedule a consultation call 707-843-3714.


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