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4 Social Media Best Practices You Need for Brand Building

What are the best practices for leveraging social media to build your brand? As a social media agency in San Francisco, this is a question we hear often. Social media can be a powerful tool for businesses to utilize if applied correctly.

At WSI Smart Marketing, we offer our clients a variety of social media marketing and management services. Here are a few of our team’s top 4 best practices to follow when building your brand with social media.

Branding Consistency

Across the internet, it is best practice to keep your business’s branding consistent. So what does that look like?

The colors, logos, and fonts you use in your social media content should be consistent with that of your business. Another important aspect of branding consistency is to use the same tone of voice when writing the captions. The voice your brand uses on social media should reflect that of what you would use for your business.  Maintaining consistent appearances helps your current and potential customers recognize your business easily.

Stick with A Strategy

It is best practice to build and follow a social media strategy that is unique to your business’s goals. What exactly is it that you hope to achieve for your brand with its social media presence?

With your goals in mind, create a strategy for how your brand will achieve them using social media. This strategy guide how your brand creates content and engages its audience.

Some of these aspects in your brand’s strategy may look like: regularly engaging in comment sections and posting two times a week on a regular basis, as well as following and engaging with other local businesses on social media. By building and sticking to your social media strategy, your brand will achieve goals, and in turn, your brand will continue to grow through social media.

Post Regularly

Consistently uploading content to your social media accounts is an extremely important practice to follow for building your social presence.

Pro tip: By planning and scheduling out content ahead of time, a new social media account can easily create a regular posting routine. When you post often and consistently, your content has a higher chance of being seen by more users, therefore increasing impressions and brand awareness.

Be Authentic

There are millions of accounts across social media platforms, so the best way to ensure that your business stands out from the crowd is by being authentic to your brand identity.

Post with purpose. Ensure that your content on social media is high quality and relevant to your social media strategy. Social media platforms reward those who contribute positively to the platform.

By creating and sharing relevant and original content, your brand will build its reputation and authority for having authenticity on the platform. This can also mean that it will be more likely that your account is served as a suggestion for users on the platform.

There is no doubt that social media is powerful. While it can be intimidating to begin, these four practices will help you create the strong foundation that your brand needs to thrive online.

As a top-rated social media agency in San Francisco, our work with various industries on social media has made it very clear that it’s important for every business, no matter what size or industry, will benefit from making its brand presence known to social media users.

To learn more about how we can help your brand, contact our team at (707) 843-3714.


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