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Guide to PPC Management & Selecting A PPC Agency

In the pay-per-click advertising model, an advertiser pays a fee each time someone clicks one of their advertisements. PPC offers several benefits, including cost-effectiveness and the potential to increase sales. With PPC, you have the flexibility to set your advertising budget to control spending.

PPC agency near me in Santa Monica can help you build a winning PPC strategy. Your provider’s team can handle all PPC tasks, including selecting the appropriate keywords, organizing them into coherent groups, and creating optimized landing pages.

Advertisers who develop relevant and well-targeted pay-per-click campaigns are charged less by search engines for each ad click. If your target audience finds your ads and landing pages relevant and valuable, Google may charge you less per click, which can lead to higher profits. When executed properly, the cost of PPC is insignificant compared to the value of the visits it brings, as each visit is worth more than what you pay for them. For example, if you pay $3 for a click, and the click results in a $300 sale, you make a substantial profit.

Choosing a PPC Agency

One of the first things to do after you decide to invest in PPC is to choose the right PPC agencyUnfortunately, PPC agencies vary widely in quality and effectiveness. Without careful evaluation, you might select an agency that is not adept at creating a customized PPC strategy suited to your needs. First, set your goals and then assess the capabilities and expertise of the experts you’re considering to identify the right fit.

Follow these tips to choose the right PPC agency.

Check Experience and Expertise

Choose an agency with the ability to deliver results. Check to make sure that the expert has experience of setting up and managing PPC campaigns on all major platforms including Google Ads, Instagram Ads, and Facebook Ads. Assess their track record in your industry and determine if they have a history of crafting successful PPC strategies for businesses comparable to yours.

Review Case Studies and Talk to References

Read case studies or success stories that demonstrate the agency’s ability to deliver results. Request the agency to provide a list of references. Talk to agency references. Ask them if they’re satisfied with the results and whether they’d recommend the service provider.

Try to Understand Their Strategy and Approach

Meet the provider’s team to discuss the agency’s strategy and approach to PPC management. How do they conduct keyword research? Evaluate their ad copywriting process and find out which tools they use for bid management and conversion optimization. Check if they use your preferred methods that deliver results.

Check for Transparency and Reporting

A good PPC agency embraces transparency and does not hold back information. Reputable PPC agencies realize the importance of effective reporting and share detailed reports on campaign performance and important updates with their clients at regular intervals. Before hiring a PPC agency to manage your PPC campaign, ask how often the provider’s team will share spend insights and KPI reports with your team.

Consider Communication and Customer Service

Effective communication builds the foundation for a strong client-agency relationship and can help prevent conflicts. When deciding whether to hire an agency, evaluate the team’s responsiveness and willingness to answer questions. Assess the provider’s ability to explain complex concepts and ideas in a simple way. Ask if you’ll have a dedicated account manager responsible for sharing updates and project status reports with your team regularly. Create a schedule and determine the ideal frequency of meetings.

Assess Their Tools and Technology

Inquire about the PPC tools the agency uses for campaign management, tracking, and reporting. Advanced tools can offer deep insights and generate comprehensive reports that help management make better business decisions.

Check Pricing

Before hiring a PPC agency near me in Santa Monica, take the time to understand their fee structure and find out what services are included in your service package. Be wary of agencies that guarantee results for an unrealistically low fee. Before signing, review the contract terms carefully. Check the duration of the contract and cancellation policy, and ask the provider what happens to the account setup and data if you part ways.

How to Manage PPC Campaigns?

Focus on the technical as well as strategic aspects of your campaigns. Track results and compare them with projections at regular intervals to identify areas of improvement.

Follow these tips to manage your PPC campaigns effectively.

Understand Your Audience

Analyze demographic data and try to understand the interests, and motivations of your target audience. Tailor your ads to your audience’s needs. Utilize location targeting, demographic targeting, and interest targeting to reach the right people.

Perform Keyword Research

Use Google’s Keyword Planner to find relevant and high-performing keywords. Consider long-tail keywords as they are less competitive and more specific, and can help improve conversion rates. Remove irrelevant traffic and reduce wasted ad spend by ignoring keywords that don’t match your product/service.

Write Ad Copies That Convert

Write compelling ad copies. Your ads should be clear, persuasive, and include a strong call-to-action (CTA). Add relevant information such as business location, phone number, and links to specific sections of your website to your ads in order to improve click-through rates. Experiment with different headlines, descriptions, and images to see what resonates best with your audience. Check your landing pages to make sure they’re relevant to your ad copies, load quickly, and are optimized for conversions.

Monitor Performance

Use Google Analytics to gain deep insights into campaign performance. Adjust bids, refine your target audience, pause underperforming keywords, and optimize ad schedules based on performance data.

WSI Smart Marketing is a leading PPC agency near me in Santa Monica. Our expertise enables us to understand our customers’ PPC pain points and develop strategies to address them. To learn more, call (424) 523-1005.


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