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Why You Need the Best SEO Company

Let us start off by saying that we’re not going to spend this blog trying to convince you that we’re the best SEO company in Santa Rosa, only that if you own a business in Sonoma County, you do need a Search Engine Optimization expert — whether that’s you or someone you hire.

Why Do You Need the Best SEO Company in Santa Rosa, Sonoma County?
Your Customers Are Affected by SEO

Whether they know it or not, when your customers search online for your service or product, they are affected by Search Engine Optimization (SEO). They may think that the first page of results are all the internet has to offer, or they may think that Google magically finds the best deals on the best products and puts them on the first page—who knows? But what we do know is that for some reason very few people research past the first page or so. For better or for worse, your page ranking matters.

Your Competitors Are Thinking about SEO

Your competitors know that page ranking matters, and they’re taking steps to ensure that search engines find them and give them a high ranking for a variety of search phrases. You may be starting to wonder why, if your business has been around longer or has had more customers than your competitors in the past, they are ranking above you. If that’s happening, then your competitors know how to build a responsive website and utilize keywords and online advertising. This might not affect your sales immediately, but eventually there will be a shift, since new customers are using their phones to find the product or service they want.

SEO Is Here to Stay

The shift to customers making their buying decisions online is here to stay. Google may change what they look for when they’re ranking sites, but there will always be ranking. SEO companies stay on top of Google’s ranking changes, and the businesses with either the best SEO knowledge on their own or the best SEO company in Santa Rosa, Sonoma County working for them will get the most business in Santa Rosa, Sonoma County.

WSI Smart Marketing is a local franchise of the global company WSI. Please contact us or call (707) 843-3714 for a free consultation about your company’s website, SEO, and online marketing.


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