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Adaptive SEO: What It Is and How It Can Benefit Your Company

Keeping up with Google can be difficult – to say the least. Google updates its algorithms a lot. As in: ALL. THE. TIME. Algorithms are basically computer programs that find “clues” on your site to serve a Google search with the best answer. Nerdy stuff – we know. But we love it! Even though Google is constantly on the run, our SEO company in Sonoma County knows what to do and how to adapt our SEO techniques to be up-to-date with Google’s latest policies.

What is Adaptive SEO?

To start, SEO, or search engine optimization, is essentially the act of aggressively working towards first page rankings on a search engine, such as Google, Bing or Yahoo. It requires an on-going process of SEO techniques which involves an in-depth analysis of your website, keyword research, adding content on a monthly basis to keep your site fresh and relevant, and more. The end results are increased online presence and first page rankings (what we strive for every day!), more traffic to your site, increased conversions such as phone calls and form submissions, and ultimately, more sales and a greater ROI of marketing dollars.

Adaptive SEO is a process of constantly assessing and refining digital marketing techniques based on what Google wants and its newest algorithms, in order to not lose rankings and at the same time, improving them. This will in turn help with conversion rates. At first, we focus on a short list of phrases – and as phrases begin to rank on the first page of Google, we shift our efforts to new phrases while maintaining the currently performing phrases. That means that the keyword targeting list is constantly getting larger. Think of it like this: it’s called “adaptive” because it’s a flowing and changing campaign.

Benefits of Adaptive SEO

• Avoid SEO penalties from Google
• Mobile-friendly
• Better ROI

We genuinely want the best for our clients and love seeing their success. Our team at WSI Smart Marketing, located in Sonoma County, is available and here to help. Need more leads? More phone calls? More business? Let’s talk! Give us a call at 707-843-3714 or contact us via email for a no-obligation, 30-minute consultation free of charge. We’d love to discuss how our SEO company and internet marketing services can help grow your business. We have what they call marketing “magic.” Talk to you soon!


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