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So You Have a Great New Website, Now What?

Your website is like your business’s home online. It’s one of the largest footprints your business can have so you want to make sure it looks right and provides the value your business needs.

However, let’s say that you have a great looking website but now you’re left with one ominous question: what’s next? There are many different ways to leverage your website to help stimulate your business’s growth online. Depending on your strategic goals, a myriad of different methods can be taken to compliment your business digitally. A reputable digital marketing company in Sonoma County, like WSI Smart Marketing, can help you come up with a strategic campaign that helps your company meet its goals.

One of the important steps to ensure is taking place during the development of your website is not only a focus on look but a focus on function as well. Your website serves as the landing point, and primary touch point, for most people who want to find out more about your business. When you have a website that is focused on both form and function, that is to say is providing a positive user experience and optimized for conversions, you can start exploring ways to leverage your website as an asset to your business.

Ways to Leverage Your Website

Now that your new website is up and running, how do you get people there? Well, there are several different ways to ensure that traffic is being driven to your website. Each with its own set of benefits.

Search Engine Optimization: SEO is leveraged to help drive traffic to a website organically, this is done through a series of strategies focused around domain authority and content marketing. Google detects these efforts and that, combined with a variety of other factors, to rank the individual pages of a website. Through the process of creating relevant, useful information and supplying it in an easy-to-process way, SEO works around the clock to generate traffic and leads to your business’s website.

Pay Per Click: Otherwise known as Paid Search, PPC focuses on driving traffic to specific product or service pages based on the strategy laid out and the campaign’s inception. Differently from SEO, PPC utilizes a budget with an allocated cost-per-click where businesses have a daily budget set. The difference between the two processes is that SEO takes time to grow, whereas PPC is engaged and your ads are showing as soon as the campaign is switched on.

Both avenues for growth and website exposure have their respective benefits, ideally PPC can be used to help “bridge the gap” until a SEO campaign becomes fully online. After which SEO makes up the bulk of website traffic but the PPC campaign continues working as a predictable lead generation source.

Ways to Augment Your Website’s Exposure

There are a variety of other outlets that can be used to further augment your websites exposure and reception in the digital space. Each of these can help boost a different area of your website’s performance and awareness.

Reputation Management: Your website is great, your business does great work, but what do people think about you? Online reviews are actually one of the most trusted sources of information online for the average person browsing the internet. Having a better reputation online can be the point of differentiation between you and a competitor, especially if you both have quality reviews already. Having both quantity and quality reviews has been shown to positively impact your SEO performance as it helps Google index pages and showcase that you provide quality services to customers.

Social Media: Social media is great for creating brand awareness and brand equity. Social media provides an avenue for businesses to meet their target audience half way, by entering the space they are already spending time in. Additionally, social media allows you to communicate with that audience in near real-time keeping them up to date on new information and items like the launch of a new website. This can be used to help create a larger sphere of influence and increase the number of impressions and people exposed to your business’s content.

Email Marketing: Email marketing is a tried and true staple of digital marketing. While it may not be the most glamorous, it is definitely one of the most effective. Why? Because, for the most part, it is getting in front of people who are already familiar with your brand and are likely current (or previous) customers. This is why it boasts an average higher conversion rate. Email marketing can be used to intelligently create a drip campaign regarding a website refresh or even the launch of a new website when done appropriately.

The underlying point is that while different aspects of digital marketing can, and often do, perform well by themselves. Thinking about them in a holistic point of view allows you to see the connections and synergies between many of the different areas of digital marketing. This, in turn, enables you to work with a digital marketing agency in Sonoma County that can produce the types of results you want to see while helping you leverage each and every avenue of your campaign.

Looking to increase your business’s presence online and leverage a worldwide network of success? WSI Smart Marketing has been providing top tier digital marketing services for businesses throughout Sonoma County and the United States. Our team of professionals have the experience and the know-how to help your business realize actual digital growth and help you go to the next level. To learn more, call us at (707) 843-3714.


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